Author Archives

Tankoilua [16.05.2010]

My four-day weekend ended with a visit at Rebecca’s / Rebecca introduced me to Jack and tried teaching me some moves with no success / We went to do some grocery shopping and started to cook / TORTILLA TIME / The meat was a bit spicy but who cares / The best thing happened to […]

Linssikeittua [15.05.2010]

On Saturday I met Iita in the city centre. The day before we planned something and now we were there to make it come true / I quickly bought some stuff I needed for the thing / (Hey girls, what are you having?) / Soon we were waiting for our jewellery to be nice and […]

Emma <3

Rölöl [14.05.2010]

The morning was so slow,  it was like being in coma of some kind / Slowly I crawled out of my bed, made some phone calls and soon Anni was there at my place / It was great to have a pretty lady like that come over when you yourself look like shit / We […]

Iltama [12.05.2010]

On Wednesday I felt like it would be nice to see some of my friends / We made some plans at school and soon we had a cute little gang / and so we met in the evening / (we had some home-made pizza) / we gathered our money and visited a local store / […]



Tulin vaan kertoon että oon hengissä vielä ja en oo unohtanu tätä blogiakaan! Tilannehan on nyt tämä, et mulla ei oo skanneria täällä kolossani käytettävissä, joten en pääse uusia entryjä skannimaan saati postimaan. Odottaen palkkaani siis. <3

Poika ja muurahainen

Joo tässä on vähän randomtuherrusta ajankuluksi. En oo päässy skannaamaan mitän vähään aikaa kun ei ole skanneria käytössä, siksi loistava kameralaatu.  Laitan varmaan uuden kuvan jahka skannerini herää koomastaan! Once upon a time there was a boy / Who was always smiling / All the time/ The boy was smiling even in his sleep / […]

Ranska/France [08.03.2010]

We woke up around noon, once again. This time we were really nice and breezy and went out to get something for breakfast. We weren’t hurrying with the breakfast, I really liked it. (I also noticed croissants make an awful mess) / After the breakfast we attacked a mystery room behind a sofa, and found […]